Thursday, April 24, 2003

blood to my feet

something really weird happened to me today. yes, besides the fact that i dreamt man utd won the match against real madrid but lost anyway and it came true.

i was reading this display on Jesus' death (it's easter week at sajc), about how he was flogged and tortured and left to die a slow, agonising death. just as i reached the end about how he was nailed on the wrists and his feet broken so he couldn't push himself up to relieve the pain, i felt the blood from my head just rush to my feet. my vision blurred and i felt so was almost like something hit me right on the head. i think i would have possibly fainted if it were just a bit more, um, "severe".

naturally, i was freaked. the first thought that went to my head i sick? i've been feeling faint and uncomfortable for the entire know, feeling lack of energy and dizzy...that kind of thing. then, the next thing that went to my head ( i blame all those episodes of the x-files i've watched) was...did this have anything to do with the fact that i had just read a display on how Jesus suffered before he died?

i dunnola...i really dunno. it's just pretty freakish, no?

anyway, i have to make a 5-minute speech tomorrow in front of the entire house, which is made up of 7 classes. aargh! those who know me will know how nervous i get before i speak to people...especially in such formal conditions. the auditorium! using a microphone! and i have no clue whatsoever as to what to say! good gawd.

i really dunno what i'm getting myself into. me? house captain????

lishun at 8:58 PM
