Monday, December 25, 2006

text messages are evil

lishun: happy pagan winter solstice fest! nah, kidding. have a blessed christmas! =)

linda: have a merry christmas! =) we could still go dance under the moon though...=)

may ee: it's still early, but i'll take it. =) u have a great christmas too! you'll never walk alone! haha...
(trust a liverpool fan to keep wanting to "convert" me)

thinesh: hey, don't kid...i'm on the way to the forest to offer the spirits and stars my devotion...haha, a blessed christmas to you too.

darren: merry christmas! but just because it's holiday doesn't mean you can enjoy. must study.

steph: merry christmas! =) dun study today haha.


*after a quick look at the countdown*

my panic mode usually kicks in at the 14-day mark.

i think i should take darren's advice and study before going out to dance under the moon later tonight.

lishun at 10:19 AM
