Saturday, February 14, 2009
the look of love
since it's valentine's day and i'm stuck preparing for my exams (osces on monday and tuesday!), there is obviously nothing lovey dovey for me to talk about today. anyway, valentine's day is a marketing gimmick. yeah, that's what you tell yourself too, right? haha.well, i've said before that i have a thing for eyes. your eyes betray what you really mean, your eyes express how you really feel. it melts my heart when i catch people giving each other genuine looks of adoration and love. and if an actor can make me feel that way, that is a good actor in my books.
recently i watched a couple of episodes of the latest season of house. there was one where cuddy talked about how she was on her way to adopting a baby and while she looked adoringly at the child, house gazed at her with so much love and a hint of a smile on his face...and that just did it for me. i just became a mess after that. lol.
here are a couple of pictures belonging to 3 actors whose eyes have mesmerised me at one point or another. i think they have the most beautiful pairs of peepers in hollywood...see if you can guess who they are. =P

these royal eyes belong to an irish actor who was recently in a rather fragrant ad campaign that featured some boxing action.

this american actor has eyes that shine like pearls and a voice that can wilt even the blackest of dahlias.

these british peepers have a roving reputation but this actor with the cold stare has more than just artificial intelligence, he's as talented as they can get.
ok fine those were really really bad clues, but have fun figuring them out!
and happy valentine's day. =)
lishun at 9:40 AM