Sunday, March 01, 2009
hope over apprehension
"What is success, if not without the possibility of failure? Acceptance, without rejection?
Living entails making decisions; choosing implies uncertainty; uncertainty, risk.
What is success if not without the possibility of failure? Acceptance, without rejection?
To live necessitates the triumph of hope over apprehension.
And what is hope? My hope is in dying to live.
Death I fear you not.
In God I trust.
sigh. life oh life.
I jump."
- on apprehension by markus ng
just when i thought i was fine, that it's been a month already, that time has played its part, that God has healed...those photographs opened the floodgates of denial once more.
when i saw the postcard above on postsecret today, i couldn't help but think how it describes so accurately how i feel at this moment. futility is the fruit of self-reliance and a reluctance to seek refuge in the faithfulness of God. rejection has laced almost every journey i've taken, so much so that i don't want to try, to even have expectations of days to come.
and then i remembered those words - the triumph of hope over apprehension.
i am not so brave. i stare at the cliff and i don't want to jump. but how else would i taste the glorious water that awaits me at the bottom? how else could i taste that God is good?
how? sigh.
lishun at 8:31 PM