Tuesday, November 11, 2003

gruesome scenes

i can't imagine how gruesome some people can be.

being the bored person i usually am, i watched seven yesterday at college, expecting it to be an exciting cat-and-mouse mind game between a preaching murderer and 2 detectives. what i really got was loads of gore, blood and gunk.

what gunk? i dunno. dun really wanna know either.

anyway, if a man with wasted muscle mass and no tongue tied to a bed, slowly tortured to death wasn't gruesome enough, i just HAD to go watch matrix: revolutions. now, don't tell my sister. i promised to watch it with her but i couldn't stand the suspense.

should have waited for my sister.

the movie was so full of senseless violence that really, the only spectacular thing about it was the effects, which actually looked quite real. the war scenes made me think of star wars...huge machinery and flying ships...the works. the blood, the gore, the way some character i shall not name died...absolutely gruesome. it's a wonder i actually got any sleep.

but, the most gruesome scene of all occured today, during the second dry run for my group oral presentation. what was so horrid? the whole thing, really. the way no one in my group really clicked and the way the presentation didn't coincide with our speeches. it was so painful.

i'm so glad my oral presentation ends tomorrow.

well, so much for a nice, peaceful holiday. it's been nothing but blood and gore so far.

can't wait to go home! only one week, 3 days and 20 hours left.

but who's counting? =)

lishun at 8:14 PM
