Tuesday, April 13, 2004

the passion of,,,

the word on everyone's lips these days is "passion", owing partly to the release of mel gibson's much hyped movie, "the passion of the Christ".

i managed to catch the movie last week, at the invitation of my roommate, whose church mass-booked hundreds of seats and gave free tickets to people, especially the "to-be-saved". i heard the movie's banned in my beloved motherland malaysia. funny, especially since i heard that the film, "Jesus of nazareth" wasn't banned when it came out years ago. but then, things change, no?

anyway, on this theme of passion, let me tell you about what i think about the passion of...

...the Christ
i started this entry mentioning the film, so it's only fair i start with my thoughts on it, no? i went, expecting a bloody show of gore and torture and everything that is just...yuck. well, it was bloody and gory and terribly painful to watch, but somehow all that violence was justified.

it wasn't like the other mel gibson movie, pulp fiction, where the blood and gore was just, well, blood and gore. and senseless blood and gore, may i add. somehow every drop of bodily fluid shed in "the passion" made sense. each stroke felled on Jesus' back during the scourging felt necessary. it is hard to explain...but that was what it felt like, to me.

and the movie didn't touch me as it did make me understand the scriptures better. it's odd. but i guess it just impacts people in different ways.

"passion" can mean many things, from just a strong feeling, to suffering, as can be seen from the previous point.

i'll bet for arsenal, it was both.

i just need to say this, because since february, when man utd fell into not-so-satisfactory form, i've been taunted to bits by annoying arsenal fans. actually, i'm not even sure i should call them "fans". more like glory-hunters, fakers and whatnot. after all, empty vessels make the most noise.

so here's "up yours" to anyone who's been boasting and glorifying arsenal and going on and on about how fabulous henry is compared to "van diver".

it was with a cynic grin that i greeted the comments like, "oh, the treble was never on our minds" or "we played too many games in too short a period of time" or even "it wasn't fair".

first of all, the treble was on your minds, and while you may say it was the media who hyped things up, admit it. you were waiting to equal man utd's 1999 treble and perhaps rub some manchunian faces in the dirt. secondly, have you ever watched spanish football? and thirdly...nothing's ever been fair for arsenal, except when they win, right?

arsenal is a great team, there's no denying it. it's the "fans" that piss me off. just shut up and discuss football, won't you?

i'm rethinking about what i really want to do. what my passion is. what it is that i can truly put my heart into and love. and the answer, frustratingly, is still "i don't know".

time is fast running out for me, and i'm starting to panic, what if i never find what my passion is? what if i end up lost all my life? what if...?

anyway, the period's over. comments are welcome. by the way, i have new pictures up! well, it's up to you to decide if they're new (they've been up for almost a month) but go check them out anyway.


lishun at 9:58 PM
