Friday, April 11, 2008

Thou art

there are a couple of things that make me happy when i am less than enthusiastic about this thing called "life", like how i currently am. among those things is a reminder of how great my God is and how privileged we are to be loved by Him. not many things can shrink the matters of the world and fill me with a sense of wonder as does the realisation that the Lord is my shepherd, my peace, my hope.

it hasn't been a very good week and i feel both spiritually detatched and drained. i hardly opened up my bible besides to send other people verses of encouragement because i felt unworthy of God's word to be spoken into my life.

but just this afternoon, i came across the lyrics of an old hymn that a swedish man, carl gustav boberg, wrote after walking through a thunderstorm.

"O Lord my God, when i in awesome wonder
consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made
i see the stars, i hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee
how great Thou art, how great Thou art
then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee
how great Thou art, how great Thou art!"

how great Thou art, Lord, to have made us. so complicated, beautiful, prone to sin and temptation, yet loved by You. how great Thou art, to leave a part of Yourself in all creation, but to save the best of Your image in us. it breaks my heart to learn about the disease and trials that ravage us, the consequences of our sins and the sins of our fathers...yet even then the nature of Your love is evident in the broken bodies and frail spirits i see in the wards or experience in myself.

there are thunderstorms each and every day, but my soul will sing "how great Thou art!"

lishun at 5:47 PM
