Sunday, August 14, 2005


just some random stuff today.

i love my new sandals. they're purple, and soft, and the heels look absolutely adorable.

however, they're also turning my already-blister-scarred feet into a blister garden. i walked around OU today with 2 plasters on my left foot. now, i have three plasters on my left foot and if the two blisters on my right foot pop, there'll be a grand total of 5 plasters on my feet by tomorrow, rendering me slippers- and sports shoes- dependent for the next week. how unsexy for already unsexy me.

i cannot believe the premiership has begun! i have 4 straight hours of football awaiting me tonight...and i slept at 3am yesterday! aargh! i can't believe i'm actually going to be around for the entire season for the first time in...3 seasons! woohoo!

oh yes...happy birthday, fiona! jiaen...i'll try my best not to get your birthday mixed up with fi's next year. err. oops. heh.

my friend waisun referred me to a couple of games last night, all by an insane japanese graphics guy called toshimitsu tagaki. these are not easy. well, i found them tough anyway. but then, i'm quite stupid, so yeah. *shrugs*

i'm sure you're smarter than me and won't need the cheats and walkthroughs. but if you do, just google for 'em.

the crimson room
the viridian room ~ i thought this was creepy.
the blue chamber

i, err, lasted about 30 seconds for each game before i googled for tips. heh.

if you enjoy that kind of riddle-ish frustration-inducing stuff, you might also wanna try not pron. this one's much tougher than the room series. really.

it's so ironic...when the haze was at its worse, i suffered nothing but some mild wheezing and an annoyingly itchy nose. now, the haze has cleared up and it's even rained the entire afternoon...and i'm sneezing, and my throat hurts, and my eyes are watering. gah. gaaaaaaaaaaah!

i think shenley looks great with her boyfriend. and he's a nice chap too. hehe. are you reading this shenley? jin? haha.

anyway, for those of you who care, my grandma's not doing too good. do continue to pray for her. frankly i'm a bit scared right now. i already miss her. =(

lishun at 9:41 PM
