Monday, August 29, 2005

mantra for orientation

since kamigoroshi's mantra for blogathon worked so well for him, i thought i'd try the mantra thingy to get through orientation, since it hasn't started off too well.

i will not let a petty person ruin my fun.

i will not let a petty person ruin my fun.

i will not let a petty person ruin my fun.

i will not let a petty person ruin my fun.

i will not let a petty person ruin my fun.

by the way, some of you must be wondering if the ragging is as bad as it was portrayed in the papers. well, it is, but who cares? it's still tonnes of fun anyway.

and i didn't spend an hour washing the butter, flour and eggs from my hair. all it took was two washings with dish-washing detergent and two shampooings and voila!

though i think i'll wash my hair again later tonight. still feels oily.

well, i still have three days of orientation to go, but i'll prob have laryngitis by tomorrow. haha. esp since i'm leading the cheers. am bracing myself for any more ragging, but i know it's not something i won't be able to handle.


i will not let a petty person ruin my fun.

*note: don't forget to check out it's a project for malaysian bloggers to blog about merdeka day. my previous post was featured on the site, and a follow-up was written on the site today. do lend your support by visiting the site and registering to blog for merdeka day 2005!

lishun at 10:18 PM
