Wednesday, June 23, 2004


here's just some stuff i wrote earlier in the year...

untitled (15 april 2004)

when the night is still and there's no sound
save crickets chirping all around
with the moon as witness with silver tears
i whisper to God a silent prayer

take this loneliness away from me
Lord, take me out to the open sea
where my true love waits faithfully
in a place i long for but cannot be

i am young and naive, i know
i don't need a prison where my heart can't flow
while the world is cold, ruthless and wild
i need the freedom, innocence of a child

i believe out there is a person who
loves me just as i know You do
take me to him, Lord, in his arms i'll stay
and let the sea gently wash me away

mugger (17 march 2004, 12:38am)

it's past midnight
my eyes are open and dilated
the bed looks so inviting, but
i force myself to hate it

overdosing on caffeine
the cursed blessing in a mug
sleep and activity
deliver a stifling hug

the words swim
in front of me they move
in a manner only they can choose

as each light diminishes
i sit illuminated, alone
till saturation allows me to absorb no more

the aroma of coffee wafts
past my nose
and then...

i wonder when i'll be a daylight person again.

*note: so totally true. it was true for block test 1, it's true for block test 2. forced myself into bed at 4am this morn, thanks to 3 mugs of coffee last night. bleurgh.

as usual, comments are welcome. i've got alot of other stuff, but they're just as mediocre as these two. have yet to produce anything brilliant. am beginning to doubt if i even have the ability to in the first place. hah.

lishun at 9:38 AM
