Wednesday, August 20, 2008


i wasn't feeling too great today. i drove down to seremban the moment i woke up because it was a rare opportunity to get my hands on the car while my mother went to the market. after that, it was one mistimed encounter after another. then i got a couple of smses that reminded me of some things i didn't want to be reminded of.

and while that went on, a voice sang words of worship from the cd in my car.

all my delight is in You, Lord. all of my heart, all of my strength.


my dissatisfaction with my academic performance. my discontent with people around me. my obsession with perfection. my frequent disappointment with almost everything and everyone. no one can live up to my expectations, not even myself.

and yet the key to the life that God has intended for the people He loves is in Him, not me.

going to Him, the way He asked us - me - to, over and over again, is still the hardest thing to do. yet somehow, every promise is so much more real with each surrender, all to He who is eternal and not to everything else that is temporary.

lishun at 11:51 PM
