Tuesday, August 12, 2008

seven days

i've realised that my trips to singapore are separated into two categories: retreats and catch-ups. this one was definitely a catch-up, probably the most prolific one yet. it was exhausting and exhilarating and i took alot less photos than i usually did, but it was so much fun! i was sorry to leave. thanks, everyone, for being the most excellent people to hang out with!

anyway, i'm heading off to the largest archipelago in the world. i'll be on the island of java, visiting three cities - jakarta, bandung and yogjakarta - and hopefully getting to know my juniors better. they're a swell bunch who put the whole trip together and then invited me to go along with them. i didn't have the lift a finger! good schtuff. =)

so this is what i want to do, see and eat in indonesia:

kota. dunia fantasi. monas. mangga dua. layer cake. oxtail soup. architectural jewels of bandung. babi guling. kawah ratu. gado-gado. factory outlet shopping. mee soto. kraton ngayogyakarta. borobudur. universitas gadjah mada. malioboro. rujak es krim. nagasari.

and tonnes more.

it's nuts. suddenly 7 days doesn't seem that long after all.

i'll see you when i see you!

lishun at 1:43 PM
